Three generations removed from the Holocaust, Yaar is a young Jewish Berliner desperate to leave the past behind.
Tacheles -The Heart of the Matter

He develops a computer game set in 1940s Germany featuring a young Jewish girl based on his grandmother, Rina, which enables Jews to defend themselves, and Nazis to act humanely. Yaar’s father is shocked, and the work opens old family wounds left unaddressed for generations. Tacheles – The Heart of the Matter follows the journey of this family’s painful confrontation with history that will forever change Yaar’s relationships with his father, and explores with growing self-awareness how trauma of survivors is inherited, asking the burning question from the perspective of a 21 year old: what does the Holocaust have to do with me?
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“Tacheles is a very important film. It shows how crimes and injustice can ruin the lives not merely of the survivors but also of the following generations decades after they took place.”
—Wenzel Michalski, Germany Director, Human Rights Watch