A story of love across borders, and the compromises a family must make when it is torn apart by circumstances beyond its control. When Rana and Muhkles are forced to flee the war in Syria in a desperate search for stable and secure futures for their family, they are separated from their children.

“Reunited… shed(s) light on a family's destiny in order to provide the debate with a human perspective and mobilize a common guard against intolerance.”
- Mia Jargil, director, Reunited
Fully subtitled in English
Update: We offer the exclusive opportunity to already watch Reunited one day before the festival starts. The film will already be available to watch starting February 11th, to better accommodate attendees of the opening night of February 12nd at 20:30 CET.
Watch this film at your own pace anytime between 1q-14 February 2021, or join us and watch-along before the live opening night program on Zoom on Friday February 12th:
19:00 (CET): Buy your free ticket and start watching Reunited.
20:20 (CET): Grab a quick snack and refill your beverage.
20:30-21:30 (CET): Join us for the live opening night program incl. film Q&A on Zoom. Click here to register.
The one-hour opening night program via Zoom includes the following speakers and provides the opportunity to ask your questions to all:
- Mira Jargil, film director of Reunited
- Rana Agha, main film participant of Reunited
- Tineke Ceelen, Director of Stichting Vluchteling
- Bill Frelick, Director Refugee Rights and Migrant Rights at Human Rights Watch
- Moderator Anne-Marijn Epker, Senior Editor at De Balie
Don’t forget to RSVP for this Zoom opening night program via netherlands@hrw.org.
This event is free of charge, but your kind donation to Human Rights Watch makes it possible for us to continue our work in protecting human rights around the world. Please consider donating the cost of your ticket via this link.