Mujer de Soldado is a deeply moving picture of female solidarity that finally provides space for the dignity of women's experiences that has long been denied.
Mujer de Soldado (Soldier's Woman)

Film description: Magda Surichaqui Cóndor was a teenager when soldiers arrived in her small Peruvian village in 1984. Sent to root out members of the Shining Path, soldiers of the Peruvian army used their sweeping powers to rape and humiliate local women, leaving them shunned by their own communities, often with children in tow. Three decades later, Magda has joined a number of other women in bringing charges against their abusers. With stunning cinematography and respectful intimacy, Patricia Wiesse Risso accompanies Magda and her friends as they reminisce over their youth and their lives since, whilst they sit and chew coca leaves, peeling potatoes and spinning wool. Mujer de Soldado is a deeply moving picture of female solidarity that finally provides space for the dignity of these women's experiences that has long been denied.
“Mujer de Soldado centres the stories of the women who have been silenced for a long time and who continue to be marginalised within their communities and in Peru as a whole.” Jose Miguel Vivanco, Director, Americas Division, Human Rights Watch
Access notes: This film is fully subtitled in English