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Mainstream, corporate news outlets have successfully reduced the validity and trustworthiness of news reporting in recent times.


Mainstream, corporate news outlets have successfully reduced the validity and trustworthiness of news reporting in recent times. Independent journalists Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, and Matt Taibbi are among those defending journalistic integrity, providing investigative alternatives - and are arguably more important than ever. Award-winning filmmaker and TV news veteran, Fred Peabody, explores the life and legacy of a pioneer in the world of independent journalism, I.F. Stone, and examines how his contemporaries are exposing government and corporate deception, just as he did decades ago. 
Produced by White Pine Pictures, Canada


"We have to have a media that is a counterbalance to those in power - I.F. Stone taught us that all governments lie. When the media act as a conveyer belt for the lies, why it matters is because lies take lives." – Amy Goodman, Democracy Now